GMC elects slate of new bishops

GMC elects slate of new bishops

On Wednesday September 25, the assembly of the Convening General Conference of The Global Methodist Church elected their first slate of Bishops-elect for the period of 2024-2026. The elections took place at its meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica. The Bishops-elect are (left-right) Kimba Everiste (Democratic Republic of the Congo); John Pena Auta (Nigeria); Leah Hidde-Gregory (Mid Texas); Kenneth Levingston (Trinity); Carolyn Moore (North Georgia); and Jeff Greenway (Allegheny West).


Wesley’s Faith Decision

Wesley’s Faith Decision

Wesley’s Faith Decision

By Kevin M. Watson 

John and Charles Wesley met German Pietists on their voyage as missionaries to a new colony in the Americas, Georgia. John Wesley observed  the deep faith and assurance the German Moravians had when their ship encountered storms crossing the Atlantic so serious that their boat almost sank. This near-death experience created a crisis of faith for Wesley, as he realized he lacked the Moravian’s assurance of salvation. The Moravians’ faith showed him that real assurance, real confidence in one’s salvation, was possible even when faced with death. Wesley was so compelled by the Moravian’s faith that he spent significant time during the remainder of the voyage learning German so that he could converse in greater depth with them.

Wesley recorded a conversation with August Gottlieb Spangenberg (1704- 1792) shortly after his arrival in Georgia in his Journal: “I soon found what spirit he was of, and asked his advice with regard to my own conduct. He said, “My brother, I must first ask you one or two questions. Have you the witness within yourself? Does the Spirit of God bear witness with your spirit that you are a child of God?’ I was surprised, and knew not what to answer. He observed it, and asked, ‘Do you know Jesus Christ?’ I paused, and said, ‘I know he is the Saviour of the world.’ ‘True,’ replied he, ‘but do you know he has saved you?’ I answered, ‘I hope he has died to save  me.’ He only added, ‘Do you know yourself?’ I said, ‘I do.’ But I fear they were vain words.”

Conversations with the Moravians continued when Wesley returned to England in 1738. Wesley’s relationship with Peter Böhler (1712-75) was particularly influential. By Wesley’s account, it was Böhler who convinced him he lacked “the faith whereby alone we are saved.” Wesley raised a variety of objections to Böhler’s understanding of justification by faith and assurance. But Böhler’s patience and persistence eventually convinced Wesley the doctrine represented the truth as taught in Scripture and as experienced by people in the present.

Wesley was humbled by the conviction he lacked saving faith, despite being an ordained priest in the Church of England (he was ordained in 1725) and  serving as an overseas missionary. He recorded in his Journal, “Immediately it struck into my mind, ‘Leave off preaching. How can you preach to others, who have not faith yourself?’” Wesley did not think he should preach about something he believed was true but had not himself experienced. Böhler, however, encouraged Wesley to “preach faith till you have it, and then, because you have it, you will preach faith.”

As Wesley’s relationship with Böhler continued to develop, the two of them eventually formed a new religious society, the Fetter Lane Society. Through this relationship and in this context Wesley had his famous heart-warming experience at Aldersgate Street on May 24, 1738.

Wesley recorded his account of his assurance of salvation in his Journal: “In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation, and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”

Charles Wesley had a similar experience on Pentecost Sunday, three days before John’s.

John Wesley had taken Böhler’s advice and had begun preaching salvation by faith before his experience at Aldersgate. And he continued preaching the doctrine after Aldersgate as well. A key moment for Wesley was when he  preached the sermon “Salvation by Faith” at St. Mary’s, Oxford, on June 11,  1738. In the sermon, Wesley confronted many members of the Church of England with their nominal faith. He preached that saving faith “is not barely a speculative, rational thing, a cold, lifeless assent, a train of ideas in the head; but also a disposition of the heart.”

In his sermon he also offered one of his best known definitions of justification by faith: “It is a sure confidence which a man hath in God, that through the merits of Christ his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God; and in consequence hereof a closing with him and cleaving to him as our ‘wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption’ or, in one word, our salvation.”

Böhler and the Moravians not only gave Wesley an ongoing commitment to the doctrine of justification by faith; they gave him a way of pursuing holiness of heart and life after the experience of justification and assurance through the band meeting. In the beginning, the Fetter Lane Society was essentially a band meeting (a small group divided by gender which focused on confession of sin for the sake of growth in holiness).

Böhler and Wesley formed it on May 1, 1738, more than three weeks before Wesley’s famous heartwarming experience at Aldersgate Street, and Wesley advocated for the importance of band meetings like the Fetter Lane Society for the rest of his ministry, even when they were difficult to maintain. He believed this kind of intentional accountability in community was essential for ongoing growth in the Christian life, as well as for the pursuit of entire sanctification.

Oxford temptation. Oxford was where John Wesley received his education and was formed intellectually, but it was also significant to him personally as a source of ongoing temptation. John wrestled with the temptation to pursue respectability and influence over an increased commitment to the uncompromising proclamation of salvation by faith and holiness of heart and life. His ability to succeed in the latter in one of the centers of English cultural power and influence is perhaps best illustrated by the fellowship he was granted at Lincoln College, Oxford, in the spring of 1726. …

Wesley’s fellowship also meant he entered the rotation of preachers at the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. … One of the questions facing Wesley during his later missionary trip to Georgia related to his changing understanding of salvation by faith: Would he preach what he now believed to be true in an uncompromising way? Or would he compromise his convictions for the sake of acceptance by powers and principalities?

The sermons that Wesley preached at Oxford after his famous Aldersgate Street experience made it clear he would not compromise what he believed. On June 11, 1738, less than one month after Aldersgate, Wesley preached the sermon “Salvation by Faith” at Oxford. His unwillingness to change his message for the audience at Oxford led to decreased invitations to preach. His next sermon at Oxford was “The Almost Christian,” which he preached on July 25, 1741. This sermon further demonstrated his commitment to preaching his newfound convictions. In the sermon, Wesley contrasted “almost” with “altogether” Christians. …

“The right and true Christian faith is” (to go on in the words of our own Church) “not only to believe that Holy Scripture and the articles of our faith are true, but also to have a sure trust and confidence to be saved from everlasting damnation by Christ”— it is a “sure trust and confidence” which a man hath in God “that by the merits of Christ his sins are forgiven, and he reconciled to the favour of God” – “whereof doth follow a loving heart to obey his commandments.”

The final sermon Wesley preached at Oxford University was “Scriptural Christianity.” If his first two sermons after Aldersgate made him less popular at Oxford, this final sermon ended his time in the pulpit at St. Mary’s. His sermon surveyed the rise and spread of Christianity and then shifted to contemporary England, and Oxford in particular. … He concluded with a scathing appraisal of the state of Christianity at Oxford:

“May it not be one of the consequences of this that so many of you are a generation of triflers; triflers with God, with one another, and with your own souls? For how few of you spend, from one week to another, a single hour in private prayer? How few have any thought of God in the general tenor of your conversation? Who of you is in any degree acquainted with the work of his Spirit? His supernatural work in the souls of men? Can you bear, unless now and then in a church, any talk of the Holy Ghost? Would you not take it for granted if one began such a conversation that it was either “hypocrisy” or “enthusiasm”? In the name of the Lord God Almighty I ask, What religion are you of? Even the talk of Christianity ye cannot, will not, bear! O my brethren! What a Christian city is this? “It is time for thee, Lord, to lay to thine hand!”

Although his audience heard Wesley’s conclusion as a harsh and unfair indictment, Wesley himself intended it as a call to awakening and repentance. Despite preaching in a prestigious place in the halls of power, Wesley was determined to awaken his audience to their need for faith in the same way he did when preaching in the fields to common people. …

“Scriptural Christianity” was not well received at Oxford. It was the last time Wesley preached to the University. This series of sermons, culminating here, represents Wesley’s decision to adhere to the logic of salvation by faith no matter where it led, even if it meant increasing marginalization in English society, and even within the Church of England.

Kevin M. Watson is director of academic growth and formation at Asbury Theological Seminary. This article is an excerpt from his new book Doctrine, Spirit, and Discipline: A History of the Wesleyan Tradition in The United States.  (Zondervan Academic). Reprinted by permission. Image: The bust of John Wesley was originally displayed at the World Methodist Council Museum at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. It is now at the Bridwell Library, Perkins School of Theology and SMU Libraries at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Photo by Steve Beard. 

A Parting Thank You 

A Parting Thank You 

A Parting Thank You

By Rob Renfroe and Thomas Lambrecht

September/October 2024

Good News was founded in 1967 to be a voice for scriptural Christianity within what would in 1968 become The United Methodist Church. Now, fifty-seven years later, our board of directors and our executive leadership team have determined it is time for Good News to conclude its work.

So, over the next few months we will be in the process of closing our office and one final edition of the magazine will be published after the first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church this September.

By God’s grace, Good News played an instrumental role in forming the Global Methodist Church and in helping over 7,000 churches leave The UM Church. We need to thank God for how he has used our efforts in the past and now step into the future he has for Wesleyan Christians who are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible.

I became president of Good News in 2009. Tom Lambrecht, after many years as a board member, board secretary, and board chair, moved from Wisconsin to Texas and took on the role of vice president in 2011. We are writing this editorial together primarily to say, “thank you.”

Earlier this summer, each of us transferred our ministerial credentials from the UM Church to the Global Methodist Church. We had remained within the UM Church so we might attend one final General Conference and work on behalf of our African and other international friends who wanted the same opportunity to disaffiliate that we in the U.S. had been given.

But each of us has now said good-bye to The United Methodist Church. Given all we have said and written, much of it critical of The UM Church, it may be surprising that what fills our hearts at this time is gratitude. We are immensely thankful for the lives and ministries God has given us and for the opportunities provided to us by the UM Church.

There is no higher calling on a human life than preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shepherding his people. For some reason that is difficult to fathom, God in his grace gave us the immense privilege of proclaiming his word and serving his church as pastors. For his calling on our lives and the opportunity to minister to his people, we shall be forever grateful.

We were pastors within The United Methodist Church, each of us for over 40 years – Rob in East Texas and Tom in Wisconsin. It was the UM Church that recognized our gifts, affirmed our calling, and allowed us to serve its congregations. Welcoming us with open arms over forty years ago may be a decision some within the UM Church have come to lament. But we are grateful for a church that made a place for us to be in ministry, to do the work of God, and to fulfill his calling on our lives.

Even more, we are grateful for The United Methodist Church because it was there we came to faith in Jesus Christ. For Rob, it was a summer youth director hired by the First United Methodist Church of Texas City, Texas, in the summer of 1972. His name was Eddie Wills. It was the beauty of his relationship with Jesus that showed me there was more to Christianity than going to church and being a good kid – and that caused me late one night to kneel by my bed and ask Jesus to come into my life.

For Tom, it was a confirmation class led by a student pastor serving as an intern in 1968 at Memorial United Methodist Church in Greenfield, Wisconsin, where I grew up. His name was Jerry Cline, who worked at our church one year while studying at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. That confirmation class helped me understand the Bible, the message of God’s love, and God’s desire that I become a disciple. When we sang “O Jesus, I have promised” on confirmation Sunday, I gave my commitment to follow Jesus for a lifetime, and he has never let me down.

There’s a well-known line that a year from now you will be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people with whom you spend time. What’s true of a year is also true of a lifetime. And we have known the best people. The best – because of The United Methodist Church. Through our work to renew and reform the church we were blessed to spend time with, learn from, be inspired and formed by many of “the greats” – Maxie Dunnam, Bill Hinson, Eddie Fox, John Ed Mathison, Jimmy Buskirk, Ira Gallaway, Ed Robb, Jr., Ed Robb III, Jim Heidinger, Billy Abraham, Kenneth Kinghorn, Gary Moore, Ben Witherington III, John Grenfell Jr., Riley Case, Pat Miller, and a host of others. There was a time when we were in awe to be in the same room as these giants of the faith, sitting in a corner, listening closely to what they said, hoping not to say anything foolish in their presence if called upon to speak. And later as they passed the torch to us, we continued their work, so desperately wanting to make them proud. Many of them have gone to be with the Lord, while others have retired from active ministry, but none are gone from our hearts. For this blessing we will be forever grateful.

How would the story of The United Methodist Church have played out if Good News had never existed? If Charles Keysor had not written that first article “Methodism’s Silent Minority” that gave so many Bible-believing Methodists a reason to stay in the church instead of giving up and walking away nearly five decades ago? If the original board members had not held national conferences that brought UM evangelicals together – in fact, created a movement? If they had not done the hard work for decades at General Conference after General Conference? If they had not been willing to suffer the slings and arrows, the false accusations and the demeaning attacks of liberal and institutionalist church leaders back when the fight was truly difficult and often mean-spirited? If Jim Heidinger, a prince of the church with a gracious spirit and a backbone of steel, had not taken up the work after Keysor? How the story would have gone, we don’t know. But we are sure of this – there would be no Global Methodist Church. The vast majority of traditionalists would have left years ago, the UM Church would have gone radically progressive long before now, and whatever evangelical movement might have come out of it would, at best, be a mere shell of the GMC.

So, we are grateful for Good News. Grateful for its work, its influence, and its successes. And we are beyond grateful that God was gracious enough to allow us to help lead its efforts for the past fifteen years. Following Chuck Keysor and Jim Heidinger – what an honor and a privilege God has given us.

As we leave The United Methodist Church and as we conclude the work of Good News, we look at our lives and we are reminded of the words of the psalmist: “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely, I have a delightful inheritance” (Psalm 16.5-6).

The lines have fallen in pleasant places for us. We could not imagine better lives than the ones God has given us. Nor could we be more grateful. Grateful to The United Methodist Church that provided us the opportunity to be in ministry, to those who led us to faith in Christ, to our wives and children who upheld us in ministry, to the congregations that blessed us, to the men and women who inspired us, and to all of you who have supported us and the work of Good News. Please know you are dear to us, and we will forever be thankful for you.


This editorial appeared in the Spetember/October 2024 issue of Good News.  

Finding Effective Leaders

Finding Effective Leaders

Finding Effective Leaders

By Rob Renfroe

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who is grateful for the Global Methodist Church but who is concerned for its future. Not because of anything that is presently occurring but because “we’re all human and we all have a tendency to drift from our good intentions and commitments.” He wondered how we can ensure that the GMC will remain committed to the Bible, to making disciples and to refusing to conform to the world. He is wise enough to understand the GMC may not be in danger of losing its way anytime soon, but now is the time to put in place policies and structures which will encourage, if not guarantee, that future generations are true to the vision of the church’s founders.

After a good conversation about structures that will make bishops and pastors accountable to the church unlike what we’ve seen in my lifetime, I told my friend what may be an overstatement, but I believe it. “Just about any system can work if you have the right people in place. No system will work if the wrong people are in charge.”

That’s a clumsy way of stating what I know to be true, as leadership expert John Maxwell says: “Everything rises and falls with leadership.” Great corporations, great schools, great governments, great churches have great leaders. They have leaders who cast vision, inspire people, equip others to be effective, raise up and empower additional leaders, keep the organization faithful to its purpose and remove those who would subvert its mission.

The role of bishops within the GMC is still being determined. There are differing ideas concerning how much authority they should possess and whether they will serve primarily as teachers and exhorters or whether they will also be deeply involved in the administrative affairs of an annual conference. I have my preference, but this is one where good people can differ.

Either way, it is critical that we elect people who are right for the role of leadership. In my past denomination, persons were often chosen for the episcopacy because he or she had been a district superintendent, the bishop’s executive officer, or had served the church on a national board. Others were elected because they were genuinely likeable and could work with all kinds of people. Some rose to the top because they represented a faction within a conference that wanted to promote a particular agenda. In other words – position, personality, politics. An organization that chooses its leadership using those criteria will over time drift from its mission, decline in numbers and likely implode because of competing visions.

At the upcoming General Conference in San Jose the GMC may for the first time elect six interim bishops who will serve for two years and who may be re-elected for a longer term at the following General Conference in 2026. If we should not elect our episcopal leaders based on past positions, personality or politics, what then should we use as criteria? Competence, compassion and character.

Competence: Has the person been effective in ministry? Ministry is a broad term. It encompasses everything from hospital visits to setting budgets to delivering a sermon. Are we looking for persons who capable jacks-of-all-trades? No. We are looking for people who have a proven track record of making disciples of Jesus Christ. We need men and women who have inspired and equipped others to live holy, godly lives; who know what it takes and can teach others how “to grow a church;” and who have led congregations that have impacted their communities through ministries of caring for the poor and the dispossessed.

I once served under a bishop I admired in many ways, though our theologies differed a bit. She loved Jesus and wanted the church to grow. To her credit she brought a respected church growth expert to our conference who spoke about the need to plant new churches. She followed his presentation with her vision of starting many new congregations and stated her commitment to support the pastors who were willing to answer the call. Many did. It was exciting to witness. At the next meeting she presented these pastors to us so we might pray for them. Then she asked those who would be mentoring and leading these mainly young pastors in their new ministries to stand. They were the twelve district superintendents of our conference. One of the twelve had started a church. Practically none had ever grown a church. They were expected to teach what they had never done and what they had shown no capacity to be able to do. Sad to say, we heard very little about this new initiative in the following months and years. Why? Because the wrong persons had been chosen to lead.

The GMC needs bishops who are more than good guys and nice gals with fine intentions and a desire to serve. We need leaders who have done the work and who can teach the rest of us how to do our work in a better, more effective way.

Compassion. We need leaders who are committed to the truth of the Gospel and the authority of the Scriptures. Here there can be no compromise. At the same time, I believe the philosopher-theologian Francis Schaeffer was correct when he wrote: “There is nothing more ugly than an orthodoxy without understanding or without compassion.” Jesus was effective because he came with “grace and truth.” Not one without the other. Not one more than the other but both together.

One reason those referred to as “the sinners” in Jesus’ day listened to him when he told them to “repent because the Kingdom of God is at hand” was because they believed he cared for them. Unlike the Pharisees who also told them to repent, when “sinners” heard Jesus say those words, they felt his love for them. They understood that his intention was to lift them up to an abundant life not put them down because of the life they had lived.

We need bishops who love people – lost people, hurting people, sinful people, angry people, people who are difficult to love. Why? Because that’s our mission. The GMC was not brought into existence to create a church where you and I are comfortable, or where there’s no liberal influence, or where the doctrine is just right. The GMC exists to change the world. Our mission is to “make disciples” – that means reaching people who are lost and hurting and sinful and being used by God to transform their lives. We do not reach people if we do not love them. They will not care what we know until they know we care for them. We need bishops who know that we exist for others, not for ourselves, and who will compel us to be in mission because he or she loves people the way Jesus did.

Character. For a person to lead, he or she must have followers. For people to follow you, they must trust you. To trust you, people must believe you will do what’s right – not what’s easy, not what’s popular, not what’s best for you, not what creates the least disruption or controversy – but what’s right for the mission.

Leadership is never easy. Leaders must do difficult things, and they often must act when they are uncertain what is best. People will forgive mistakes in judgment. But they will never trust or follow a person who is lacking in integrity. Our bishops must be persons who have no personal agendas, no desire to be praised, no reticence to do what is difficult even if it is unpopular. People do not expect perfection. But they must be able to say to themselves, “I don’t know why he did that. But I know who he is, so I will trust him. I don’t understand her decision. But I am certain she believed it was best for achieving our mission together.” Little inspires people more than a person of character who is strong and true under pressure. And nothing destroys leadership as quickly as a lack of integrity. So, our bishops must not simply be good people. They must be persons who are strong and courageous and who live for an audience of One.

How can we guarantee the future of the GMC? Good policies and structures, along with real accountability, will certainly help. But ultimately, it will come down to leadership. Leadership that is characterized by competence, compassion, and character.

Please be in prayer for the delegates to the upcoming General Conference this September. They have important work to accomplish. But nothing will be more important than choosing who will  lead us into the new future that God has graciously provided for us.

Rob Renfroe is a Global Methodist clergyperson and president and publisher of Good News. Photo: United Methodist church leaders confer during a business session of their 2024 General Conference in Charlotte, N.C. From left are the Rev. Gary Graves, secretary of the conference, and Bishops Bruce Ough and Carlo A. Rapanut. Photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

A Parting Thank You

A Parting Thank You

A Parting Thank You

By Rob Renfroe and Thomas Lambrecht

Good News was founded in 1967 to be a voice for scriptural Christianity within what would in 1968 become The United Methodist Church. Now, fifty-seven years later, our board of directors and our executive leadership team have determined it is time for Good News to conclude its work.

So, over the next few months we will be in the process of closing our office and one final edition of the magazine will be published after the first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church this September. We will continue to publish the weekly Perspective into the fall, and our website will continue to be available as an archive of Good News’ ministry and history.

By God’s grace, Good News played an instrumental role in forming the Global Methodist Church and in helping over 7,000 churches leave The UM Church. We need to thank God for how he has used our efforts in the past and now step into the future he has for Wesleyan Christians who are committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible.

I became president of Good News in 2009. Tom Lambrecht, after many years as a board member, board secretary, and board chair, moved from Wisconsin to Texas and took on the role of vice president in 2011. We are writing this editorial together primarily to say, “thank you.”

Earlier this summer, each of us transferred our ministerial credentials from the UM Church to the Global Methodist Church. We had remained within the UM Church so we might attend one final General Conference and work on behalf of our African and other international friends who wanted the same opportunity to disaffiliate that we in the U.S. had been given.

But each of us has now said good-bye to The United Methodist Church. Given all we have said and written, much of it critical of The UM Church, it may be surprising that what fills our hearts at this time is gratitude. We are immensely thankful for the lives and ministries God has given us and for the opportunities provided to us by the UM Church.

There is no higher calling on a human life than preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shepherding his people. For some reason that is difficult to fathom, God in his grace gave us the immense privilege of proclaiming his word and serving his church as pastors. For his calling on our lives and the opportunity to minister to his people, we shall be forever grateful.

We were pastors within The United Methodist Church, each of us for over 40 years – Rob in East Texas and Tom in Wisconsin. It was the UM Church that recognized our gifts, affirmed our calling, and allowed us to serve its congregations. Welcoming us with open arms over forty years ago may be a decision some within the UM Church have come to lament. But we are grateful for a church that made a place for us to be in ministry, to do the work of God, and to fulfill his calling on our lives.

Even more, we are grateful for The United Methodist Church because it was there we came to faith in Jesus Christ. For Rob, it was a summer youth director hired by the First United Methodist Church of Texas City, Texas, in the summer of 1972. His name was Eddie Wills. It was the beauty of his relationship with Jesus that showed me there was more to Christianity than going to church and being a good kid – and that caused me late one night to kneel by my bed and ask Jesus to come into my life.

For Tom, it was a confirmation class led by a student pastor serving as an intern in 1968 at Memorial United Methodist Church in Greenfield, Wisconsin, where I grew up. His name was Jerry Cline, who worked at our church one year while studying at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. That confirmation class helped me understand the Bible, the message of God’s love, and God’s desire that I become a disciple. When we sang “O Jesus, I have promised” on confirmation Sunday, I gave my commitment to follow Jesus for a lifetime, and he has never let me down.

There’s a well-known line that a year from now you will be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people with whom you spend time. What’s true of a year is also true of a lifetime. And we have known the best people. The best – because of The United Methodist Church. Through our work to renew and reform the church we were blessed to spend time with, learn from, be inspired and formed by many of “the greats” – Maxie Dunnam, Bill Hinson, Eddie Fox, John Ed Mathison, Jimmy Buskirk, Ira Gallaway, Ed Robb, Jr., Ed Robb III, Jim Heidinger, Billy Abraham, Kenneth Kinghorn, Gary Moore, Ben Witherington III, John Grenfell Jr., Riley Case, Pat Miller, and a host of others. There was a time when we were in awe to be in the same room as these giants of the faith, sitting in a corner, listening closely to what they said, hoping not to say anything foolish in their presence if called upon to speak. And later as they passed the torch to us, we continued their work, so desperately wanting to make them proud. Many of them have gone to be with the Lord, while others have retired from active ministry, but none are gone from our hearts. For this blessing we will be forever grateful.

How would the story of The United Methodist Church have played out if Good News had never existed? If Charles Keysor had not written that first article “Methodism’s Silent Minority” that gave so many Bible-believing Methodists a reason to stay in the church instead of giving up and walking away nearly five decades ago? If the original board members had not held national conferences that brought UM evangelicals together – in fact, created a movement? If they had not done the hard work for decades at General Conference after General Conference? If they had not been willing to suffer the slings and arrows, the false accusations and the demeaning attacks of liberal and institutionalist church leaders back when the fight was truly difficult and often mean-spirited? If Jim Heidinger, a prince of the church with a gracious spirit and a backbone of steel, had not taken up the work after Keysor? How the story would have gone, we don’t know. But we are sure of this – there would be no Global Methodist Church. The vast majority of traditionalists would have left years ago, the UM Church would have gone radically progressive long before now, and whatever evangelical movement might have come out of it would, at best, be a mere shell of the GMC.

So, we are grateful for Good News. Grateful for its work, its influence, and its successes. And we are beyond grateful that God was gracious enough to allow us to help lead its efforts for the past fifteen years. Following Chuck Keysor and Jim Heidinger – what an honor and a privilege God has given us.

As we leave The United Methodist Church and as we conclude the work of Good News, we look at our lives and we are reminded of the words of the psalmist: “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely, I have a delightful inheritance” (Psalm 16.5-6).

The lines have fallen in pleasant places for us. We could not imagine better lives than the ones God has given us. Nor could we be more grateful. Grateful to The United Methodist Church that provided us the opportunity to be in ministry, to those who led us to faith in Christ, to our wives and children who upheld us in ministry, to the congregations that blessed us, to the men and women who inspired us, and to all of you who have supported us and the work of Good News. Please know you are dear to us, and we will forever be thankful for you.

Rob Renfroe is a Global Methodist clergyperson and president and publisher of Good News. 

Thomas Lambrecht is a ​​​​​​​Global Methodist clergyperson and vice president of Good News.