Why Not?

Why Not?

By Liza Kittle

I had the pleasure of leading a women’s retreat with one of my women’s ministry mentors, the Rev. Kris Key. It was a beautiful weekend spent with some lovely new sisters in Christ of the Mountain Valley United Parish in Cobleskill and Jefferson in upstate New York.

Kris told a story taken from David Platt’s best-selling book Radical about his friend Bullen who lives in a ravaged area of Sudan, devastated by twenty years of civil war. Thousands of his friends have been killed by a militant Muslim regime and he has grown up there alone since childhood, having been separated from his family. Despite all this hardship and pain, Platt was mesmerized by Bullen’s shining smile and outlook on life.

As Bullen and Platt sipped tea together in this downtrodden place, they talked about how God had worked in Bullen’s life, brought him to faith in Christ, and God’s plan for his future. Bullen looked at his friend and said, “David, I am going to impact the world.” With much skepticism, Platt asked Bullen how he was going to do this. “I’m going to make disciples of all nations,” Bullen said. David repeated back to him, “So you are going to impact the world by making disciples of all nations?” Bullen smiled big and said, “Why not?”

Bullen had the confidence and faith that he was going to impact the world. He believed in Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations and his life plan was to act in obedience. Platt contends that Bullen’s plan for his life is the same plan Jesus has for every individual life—by making disciples, each one of us can impact the world.

Many times as Christians, we lose sight of this central mandate of our Savior Jesus Christ. We question how we as individuals can impact the world and bring glory to God. We forget that God’s mission field is not only in Sudan, but also in our homes, neighborhoods, and the corner grocery store. Each one of us can make a difference in our own sphere of influence. Bullen didn’t focus on the massive destruction around him. He focused on what Jesus proclaimed for his disciples to do, one step at a time. Likewise, we shouldn’t let our circumstances overwhelm and derail us from Jesus’ proclamation that applies to us as well.

Many times as members of The United Methodist Church, we lose sight of Jesus’ call of impacting the world by making disciples. We seem to forget that sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples is the core purpose of the Christian life and we become complacent in our participation in this Great Commission. We begin to worship the institution more than Jesus.

Being a United Methodist can lead to many days of disillusionment. Clergy and lay members alike sometimes feel like just throwing in the towel and heading for the door. Things happen within the denomination that discourage and detract us from continuing in the spiritual battle for the heart and soul of The United Methodist Church.

Things like hearing that more than 1,000 clergypersons have signed a public statement declaring they will be available to participate in same sex unions, openly defying our Book of Discipline. Like hearing that the “Church Within A Church” Movement—a progressive group—has held another “extraordinary ordination” of an openly gay pastor in the presence and with the blessing of United Methodist leaders.

Things like reading that church leaders have participated in public political activism such as the recent group of United Methodist Women (UMW) leaders in New York marching in the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Things like learning that the UMW partners with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, a group that advocates for no restrictions on abortion access.

We ask ourselves, “How can we ever stand up against such pervasive pressure from so many fronts? How can I as one person really make a difference in this battle for our church? Can I make an impact on the global church?”

Yes. Why not?

Even in the face of mounting discouragement, it has never been more important for faithful United Methodists to stand firm and persevere. We have much at stake at General Conference 2012 and many important issues to address. Why not help the effort through daily prayer for this important conference? Why not become informed on all the issues by reading up on all the processes of General Conference and the issues? Why not help support the Renewal and Reform Coalition financially by making a generous donation for our presence in Tampa?

Why not…make a global impact on the world by keeping this historic denomination centered on Jesus and making disciples of all nations.


Liza Kittle is President of the Renew Network (www.renew-network.org), P.O. Box 16055, Augusta, GA 30919; telephone: 706-364-0166.





Why Not?

Walking by Faith with Nomads

By Gary Prichard
Although it has always been by faith, it seems that as we grow older it should be more obvious to recognize the Lord’s will for our lives. The signs of faith that give us direction and assurance should also be more obvious than when we were new in our faith. Right?

Nevertheless, every situation challenges us to discern if we are really going in the direction the Lord intends for us.

My grandmother had faith that her prayers would not be unanswered. She gave me my first birthday present, a King James Bible. I ran across it the other day. It had pages torn out, but sandwiched between the old pages was a piece of paper I had written in my college days at Cal Poly, in my junior year of engineering school.

I had just accepted and made a commitment, in a profound way, to follow Jesus as a way of life. On this piece of paper, now 49 years old, I had written, “Today I asked the Lord to help me find some funds to pay for this registration….If I find the funds today, I will know that the Lord was in this and I will proceed….On the way back from the post office to my dorm it started raining so hard, I took an alternate route through the Ag-Science Building, when I spotted the head custodian, the boss of my part-time job on campus….He said he was just turning in my time card and wanted to know if I would be interested in working another two days after class this week!”

The Lord had answered my prayer in a profound way. The reality is that there is Someone who will show us the way if we will trust, honor and obey.
Keep an eye on the principle within

After graduation and being drafted into the Army and serving some time as a design engineer, I became executive manager of a shopping center with seven stores in a remote town in the California desert. My father and stepmother were the owners of the Eagle Mountain Shopping Center. It was not only a profitable business but was extremely interesting. It provided many vocational opportunities such as working with employees, developing relationships with regular customers, and the challenge of maintaining the equipment and facilities.

The shopping center served a community that had been built around an iron ore mine near Desert Center, California. It was a town of 3,700 people, with more living in some outlying areas such as Lake Tamarisk—an area created for executives who wanted to live on a golf course. That’s where my wife Phyllis and I bought our first home when I began working in the family business.

Eagle Mountain was established in the World War II days to supply iron ore to Kaiser Steel’s production plant in Los Angeles. My father, Frank L. Prichard, a building contractor, had constructed many of the houses in Eagle Mountain. Kaiser had asked him to take over the operation of the mess hall and town store in the late 1950’s, and eventually build and operate a shopping center. It was built to include a grocery store, variety/drug store, restaurant, laundry, post office, bank, service station, beer bar, and bowling lanes.

Since the nearest place to make purchases was Indio, 60 miles away, this shopping center was a convenience for those living in Eagle Mountain and it also provided a way for the community to socialize and get caught up on local gossip.

My stepmother, Margaret, managed the office, and if it weren’t for that, I may have never seen my folks. Their Mooney Super Executive was parked at the Eagle Mountain airport for quick getaways. Both Dad and I had private pilot licenses.

A Change of Direction

After a couple of years of this exciting work, I began to experience some changes in my life. I had given my heart to Jesus, but now, it seemed I was chasing rainbows. The kind with the pot of gold at the end. I was drifting away even though I was taking my family to church. There was a spiritual war inside of me. I knew my life needed to count for something good, and in order for that to happen, Jesus needed to be in control. It seemed worldly things were filling my mind and establishing my goals. The work in the shopping center swallowed up most of my time, and the grind was eroding a balanced home life and the discipline of spiritual commitments. But, I loved this work and if I would have to serve the devil through all this work perhaps the ways of the world might be fun! This statement appalled me! I could not believe I was even contemplating such an irrational notion.

A dramatic event caught my attention and began to turn me around. My daughter Jennifer almost died of spinal meningitis at 9 months old. The pediatrician said it was the worst case of this disease that she had ever seen in which the child did not die. I held my daughter in my arms at the Desert Hospital in Palm Springs in 1974 and cried out to heaven, “Please Lord, before you take this child, I want somehow for her to know that I love her so much and that I need to confess my inattentiveness to showing her I loved her—but now I need her to respond to me!”

In that very moment it was as if the Lord spoke audibly to me, “Gary, I want no less from you. Why do you ask me for a response from your daughter when your response to me has been empty!?” And in that moment she opened her eyes and smiled at me and I heard the angels sing. I instantly recalled the Bible verse talking about angels singing over a repentant sinner (Luke 16:10). I was stirred to the core.

That experience, coupled with the testimony of a Lay Witness Mission, provided influence which led to my calling into full-time Christian work. I was reading Lloyd Ogilvie’s Let God Love You during a morning devotional at my kitchen table when I heard God call me. I began to grasp the power of the Cross and Jesus’ personal atonement for me again. It motivated me to give up chasing a million dollars and to accept a call to the ministry. It has been 35 years since that day and I have been wonderfully blessed, to God be the glory!

At 36, I told my dad I was going to seminary. He was shocked that I would do such a foolish thing and give up a million dollar family business to work for thankless people in the church! My wife of six years, who also had a wonderful job of teaching school, said she would support me in a decision to move and go back to school. She had said this prior to my calling, and I wondered what in the world she was talking about. Somehow the Lord had impressed this on her heart prior to putting it on mine.

Blessing and Response

In the first year of seminary, at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, I had a profound dream. I envisioned the Eagle Mountain Shopping Center in the midst of a ghost town. This dream contained such clear visions that I remembered it in vivid detail, including tumble weeds rolling across the empty parking lot. Memorable dreams are not common with me—especially one as alarming as this one. I immediately wrote and encouraged my folks to get out of the business as soon as possible. They sold the business soon and within five years the community was closed.

Eagle Mountain is now a ghost town, after serving as a prison for a few years. Tumbleweeds are blowing across the parking lot of the one-time lucrative shopping facility. Although Hollywood has produced a few James Bond-type of movies there, it is basically a ghost town. I am grateful to have listened to the voice calling me to come forth, like Lazarus.

Construction and Service

Ten years ago, at 60 years of age, it seemed a bit early to retire from the pulpit and pastoral ministry. My wife Phyllis—a special needs pre-school teacher—was providing needed funds for our new home and increased expenses. I knew if I stayed in the pulpit ministry I could receive a much larger pension and be more assured of a better retirement. But, what about using my gifts for ministry in another way?

It is much easier to look for financial stability and allow this to be the determining factor for the future. What about the everlasting arms? They had worked before, what about now? “Let us hold unwaveringly to the hope that we confess, for the one who made the promise is trustworthy” (Hebrews 10:23). In 2 Corinthians 13:5 it says, “Put yourselves to the test to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves!”

I served four churches and the last was for 14 years. When I reached 59, one year prior to my retirement from the pastoral ministry, our church was involved in a building program. This was the last phase of our four building projects. The old sanctuary needed to be converted into a much needed fellowship hall with a large kitchen. Since we were doing this job on faith with no funds to start, we had to look for volunteers.

Someone suggested I call the Nomads, a United Methodist Ministry that provides volunteer construction, remodeling, and repairs for churches, children homes, camps, colleges, outreach missions, and disaster rebuilding. With a variety of skills, Nomad members do maintenance, cleaning, painting, electrical, drywall, sewing and flooring.

With the help of Nomad volunteers, it took us about six months to build a beautiful kitchen and two large bathrooms, and a maintenance room and food storage room. The Fellowship Hall also needed remodeling which we could do with future Nomad projects. The project turned out better than expected and I knew the Lord wanted Phyllis and me to work with Nomads.



Launched 23 years ago in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, Nomads began when United Methodist “snowbirds” from Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana wanted to do some work among area congregations. These Winter Texans approached local United Methodist churches and offered their services. That first year there were 24 members who completed five projects in Texas and Oklahoma.

Nomads grew as an all-volunteer organization under the North Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church. Membership grew, and in 2001, Nomads incorporated and became an organization under the General Board of Global Ministries.

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Nomads began doing disaster recovery work in Mississippi. It was estimated that Nomads donated a total of 102,000 hours of volunteer labor in 2009. Five disaster Response Projects have been offered over the past year in Mississippi, Texas, Indiana, and Iowa with a total of 10,600 hours of donated labor.

The Hands in Ministry

When I reached 60 years of age, I could feel the powerful tug of building and using my hands in ministry. But, would a small minister’s retirement be enough to give toward mission work? On the day of retirement, just 10 years ago this June, we said goodbye to our local church and had our truck and fifth-wheel parked outside for the congregation to view. We were able to purchase our rig from the sale of a rental house in which we had invested a few years earlier. Now, we were embarking on a new adventure of “trust and obey.”

After serving 5 years, Phyllis and I accepted the position of Southwest Project Coordinators for Nomads. We have now served a total of 10 years this coming June and find ourselves involved in finding, overseeing, and working with teams and agencies in 5 states. We have worked 42 projects nationwide. In 2010, there were more than 120 couples serving in 27 projects in the Southwest.

Nationwide, there were 120 projects during the first five months of 2011. Most of these projects are done in the winter when those living in the North travel south to get out of the cold weather. While Florida, Texas, and Arizona are the main focus areas, the work is accomplished in almost every state including Alaska (and if a highway can be installed, we will include Hawaii).

There are presently 1,200 Nomads. All the projects must be United Methodist-related or somehow connected to a local United Methodist church. The Nomads are blessed to have some very generous churches, agencies, and individual donors who contribute each year from their mission budget or tithe to support our work around the country. Some churches take up collections for Nomads and many of our members tithe or make annual donations. The Annual Meeting for Nomads was held in September 2011 in Forest City, Iowa, where 300 Nomads contributed by bringing craft items to an auction. The Nomads auctioned these items off to each other and raised over $40,000. These funds will be used for Nomad projects in 2012.

For everyone involved, it is a walk of faith.

It is still true to trust and obey. A heart that is focused on giving to others is blessed more than one at first realizes. You cannot out do the Lord.

Gary and Phyllis Prichard are the Southwest Project Coordinating Committee for Nomads. If you would like to contribute to Nomads, they are Advanced Special #982658 through the General Board of Global Ministries. You can learn more through their website; www.nomadsumc.org.


Why Not?

Judicial Council ruling preserve church unity

Commentary by Thomas A. Lambrecht

The fall session of the Judicial Council, United Methodism’s supreme court, adjourned October 29 and rendered two significant decisions. One related to a proposed “maximum penalty” for clergy found guilty of performing a same-sex union or wedding. The other decision requested clarification of previous Judicial Council rulings on the legality of congregations identifying themselves as “Reconciling Congregations.”

Earlier this year, the Northern Illinois Annual Conference passed a resolution suggesting that a 24 hour suspension should be the “maximum penalty” for United Methodist clergy charged, tried, and convicted of officiating at a same-sex union ceremony.

Of course, this resolution makes a mockery of the holy conferencing that takes place at General Conference when we discern the standards for our denomination. For two quadrenniums, delegates have overwhelmingly agreed to prohibit United Methodism’s participation in same-sex unions by our clergy and in our sanctuaries.

In its ruling, the Judicial Council declared the Northern Illinois resolution “null, void and of no effect.” The Book of Discipline makes clear “that only a trial court has the power to set a penalty in a church trial which results in a conviction,” stated the decision. Furthermore, a trial court can consider “the full legislated range of options” when determining a penalty, including the revoking of the minister’s ordination, suspending the minister, or imposing a lesser penalty.

Judicial Council member Jon R. Gray noted that the Northern Illinois resolution is “worthy of Macbeth’s commentary: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

Good News applauds the finding of Judicial Council decision 1201. This inappropriate attempt to influence the outcome of potential trials further divides our church. Pressure from colleagues to administer only a “slap on the wrist” penalty for willfully defying the church’s rules increases the likelihood that clergy will disobey the Book of Discipline and contribute to the breaking of our clergy covenant. A broken covenant will invariably lead to a church broken by schism.

“Reconciling Congregations”

In another decision, the Council declined to rule on a request for a declaratory decision coming from the Northwest Texas Annual Conference. The request asked “whether it is impermissible for a congregation of The United Methodist Church to publically identify with, affiliate with, label itself as part of, permit its name to be listed on the website of or in the communications of any unofficial body or movement” in light of the fact that Judicial Council decisions 847 and 871 have declared such identification impermissible and divisive.

The question arose because of several instances of local congregations recently acting to designate themselves as “Reconciling Congregations” and becoming affiliated with the “Reconciling Ministries Network.” The RMN seeks the full acceptance of homosexual behavior by the church, including the ordination of practicing homosexuals and the celebration of same-sex weddings or unions.

In 1999, the Judicial Council ruled in Decision 871 that “a local church or any of its organizational units may not identify or label itself as an unofficial body or movement. Such identification or labeling is divisive and makes the local church subject to the possibility of being in conflict with the Discipline and doctrines of The United Methodist Church.” The decision goes on, “Certainly, an annual conference has the right to correct what it determines to be actions by its local churches identifying or labeling themselves as unofficial bodies or movements which are not in compliance with the Discipline and the Constitution.” The Judicial Council quotes its earlier decision 847 that such action would be “divisive and destructive to the life of the church.”

In refusing to rule on the question for a third time this fall, the Judicial Council stated, “In the request, there is no justifiable cause to revisit, re-open, alter or abandon the cited rulings. The holdings of the Judicial Council in these two decisions are clear. For the Judicial Council to declare as impermissible similar acts that it has twice ruled may not be done for being divisive would be an unnecessary exercise in redundancy.”

Good News endorses this ruling for its clear restatement of the fact that local churches and ministries that identify themselves as “Reconciling Congregations” are being disobedient to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church and engaging in actions that are “divisive and destructive to the life of the church.”

Good News and other renewal groups have refrained from seeking congregational members in order to honor the Judicial Council decisions. We call upon all “Reconciling Congregations” to do the same and to remove that designation and comply with the requirements of the Book of Discipline as interpreted by the Judicial Council. Rather than acting to divide our church, we implore congregations to act for unity. The failure to do so would place personal agendas ahead of the covenantal unity of The United Methodist Church.

Thomas A. Lambrecht is the vice president of Good News.


Why Not?

Looking ahead to future mission trends

By Linda Bloom

When the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries started work in Russia 20 years ago, the primary goal was to deliver food to the Moscow area.

But a changing political climate also led to the opportunity to re-establish Methodism in the former Soviet Union, and the agency wasn’t the only denominational entity interested in church growth in the region.

Under the board’s sponsorship, the Russia Initiative, which also includes the Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus, has created a thriving partnership among the denomination’s annual conferences, congregations, and institutions.

Now, as the Board of Global Ministries continues to redefine its role as the denomination’s mission leader and a 21st century missionary-sending agency, the Russia Initiative provides one possible “roadmap” to change, says Thomas Kemper, the board’s top executive.

The initiative’s model of retaining cultural identification and fostering financial self-reliance should be studied, Mr. Kemper told directors during his report at the board’s October 10-12 annual meeting.

How to engage effectively in global mission work is a constant topic of discussion by both the Board of Global Ministries and the denomination at large. Most of the 10 new missionaries commissioned during the meeting will engage in new or expanding mission activities, Mr. Kemper said.

The Mission Society

A new strategic plan for mission focuses on everything from streamlining the agency’s operations to tailoring missionary placements to reflect new global realities and expanding mission partnerships.

Such partnerships even include other mission agencies that might have been considered competitors in the past. To illustrate that point, Mr. Kemper invited the Rev. Dick McClain, president of The Mission Society, to preach during the board’s October 11 worship service.

Founded in 1984 as the Mission Society for United Methodists, the organization set itself up as a secondary agency to send missionaries outside U.S. Mr. Kemper acknowledged the tense relations between the two organizations in the past.

“We are trying to lay aside animosities from 20, 30 years ago, recognizing that The Society…proceeds in its work as a general missionary-sending organization, but not one constituted or operated in opposition to the General Board of Global Ministries,” Mr. Kemper told directors.

In fact, both Mr. Kemper, a member of the Germany Annual Conference with extensive mission experience, and Mr. McClain, who joined The Mission Society in 1986 as its first Director of Missionary Personnel, spoke of the friendship that has developed between them over the last 18 months.

Cooperation can benefit both agencies, Mr. Kemper said. “We know that openness between the two agencies helps both to deal with real issues that arise in mission areas where we each have personnel or may plan to have personnel,” he explained.

In his sermon, Mr. McClain offered board directors and staff a welcome from the society’s 200 missionaries in 37 countries and 33 staff in its Norcross, Georgia, offices. “Every member of our community rejoices that I’m here today,” he added.

The new realities of the mission field are not just global but also local, Mr. McClain pointed out. For example, 35 percent of the residents in a community near the society offices are recent immigrants and 85 percent are Muslims.

Such diverse communities offer “amazing opportunities and significant challenges to churches all over America,” Mr. McClain said. “While the content of the gospel has not changed, the context in which we proclaim it has changed dramatically, almost overnight.”

‘Multicultural faith’

Dana Robert, a Boston University School of Theology professor, and David Scott, a doctoral student there, offered a taste of their research into that new context during an October 10 presentation to board directors.

As it was a century ago, Christianity remains the world’s largest religion, but the population it encompasses has changed. “We are a truly multicultural faith today, with roughly one-fourth to one-fifth of Christianity represented on different continents,” Dr. Robert said.

The configuration of Christianity also has shifted. In 1900, one-third of all Christians were Protestants, but today, she reported, “that percentage is less than one-fourth.” Instead, indigenous churches and new denominations are experiencing rapid growth that “may not have any relationship to something like the Methodist Church.”

United Methodist membership has declined in the West and experienced growth in Africa and Asia. However, the global growth rate isn’t as strong as some independent or related churches. “Worldwide, UMC growth is lagging behind sister denominations,” Mr. Scott said.

Directors were invited to ponder possible explanations for such trends, including the idea that United Methodists are stuck in a North American, mid-20th century denominational model.

Dr. Robert had just attended a meeting of what she called “a 21st-century effort at ecumenism,” the Global Christian Forum in Indonesia, where religious groups that don’t usually connect listen to each other’s stories. “There’s a tremendous sense of hope welling up from recognizing what we have in common with Christians from other communions,” she said.

Mr. Kemper said the Board of Global Ministries is indebted to the insights of scholars such as Dr. Robert and Mr. Scott as it continues to organize the church’s global witness—in new mission arenas, such as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Mongolia—and in established ventures, such as the Russia Initiative.

Missionaries themselves are more diverse than ever, representing a variety of cultures and nations and fulfilling assignments virtually across the globe. Those commissioned this month include a missionary pilot and air-safety administrator from the Democratic Republic of Congo, a Korean-American couple assigned to the United Methodist mission center in Kazakhstan, an Oklahoma pastor headed to Jerusalem, and an attorney working with immigrants in Iowa.

One of the board’s strategic goals is to increase young adult participation in mission. Twenty-five new young adult missionaries were commissioned August 18 for two- to three-year terms.

Another 17 summer interns served at mission sites in the United States. Eleven young people served as Global Justice Volunteers this year in Kenya, and 15 are scheduled to serve in the Philippines.

But mission awareness must start at a much earlier age, Mr. Kemper acknowledged, so the board is “developing educational resources to help children understand and appreciate mission.”

Linda Bloom is a United Methodist News Service multimedia reporter based in New York.

Why Not?

UM clergy and laity call on Council of Bishops to take a stand

Since October, more than 14,000 United Methodist clergy and lay people have signed on to a letter calling upon the Council of Bishops to issue a clear statement of support for the denomination’s standards regarding marriage and homosexuality.

The original letter to the United Methodist bishops was spearheaded by the Revs. Tom Harrison, Charles Kyker, Ed Robb III, Ken Werlein, and Steve Wood. An additional 54 pastors joined the effort.

After the letter was sent individually to all of the active United Methodist bishops, a website—www.FaithfulUMC.com—was created to allow additional clergy colleagues and lay members to join in the call from the concerned pastors.

“The United Methodist Church needs clear and prophetic leadership right now,” says the Rev. Ed Robb III, senior pastor of The Woodlands United Methodist Church in The Woodlands, Texas. “As clergy, we are asking the Council of Bishops to make a clear and concise statement supporting our denomination’s stance on marriage and human sexuality.”

The swelling grassroots support of the letter to the bishops developed in response to the proposed threat of more than 1,000 United Methodist clergy to break the denomination’s prohibition against conducting same-sex unions. The letter calls upon the Council of Bishops to “issue a public statement that you understand the proposed disobedience to be a grave threat to the unity and the life of the UM Church and that you stand together in your commitment to defend and enforce the Book of Discipline.”

Concerned laity and clergy from virtually all areas of the United States and several representatives from other countries have enthusiastically responded. Signatures have been sent in and logged on the website from both large and small United Methodist congregations.

“I’m grateful our pastors have given us an opportunity to have a voice,” says Dixie Brewster, the immediate past lay leader of the Kansas West Annual Conference. “I can’t tell you how many times persons in my church have asked, ‘Why do we pay our apportionments when our leaders don’t listen to us?’ At least now we’ve said we don’t want our money going to support the boards that try to overturn the Discipline.”

“The Bishops have to understand that once all these pastors violate the Discipline, people will wonder who’s allowing this—and why,” continued Brewster, a member of Milton United Methodist Church in Milton, Kansas. “And people will leave our churches; some already have. Being a leader means being out front—ahead of what’s about to happen. Not trying to get the cows back in the barn after they’re out.”

“My concern is very simple and basic: Is the Book of Discipline to be followed or is it optional? Does it have authority over my role as clergy and over us as a congregation?” says the Rev. Tom Harrison, senior pastor of Asbury United Methodist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “Chaos results without clarity.”

Many laypeople have rallied around their pastors for taking a public stand. “I signed the laity statement on the FaithfulUMC.com website, and I commend the forthright stance on defending the United Methodist Book of Discipline,” says Jon Goodale, lay member of Faithbridge United Methodist Church in Spring, Texas. “I wholeheartedly support these ministers in this effort.”

Goodale wrote a note of encouragement to his pastor, the Rev. Ken Werlein—one of the original signers, thanking him for allowing his voice to be heard on the unity of the United Methodist Church. “I appreciate the courage of these pastors in remaining true to our faith whether it agrees with the culture or is in direct opposition to the culture.”

Diane West, lay member of Living Faith United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is very thankful for the letter-writing campaign.“This is a time in our history where strong, decisive, scriptural leadership is not only necessary, but also imperative,” said West. “The clergy who have taken a stand by adding their names to the letter are to be commended for guiding and protecting their flocks honorably. By their actions, they are helping to restore, in part, a trust in our leadership that has been broken with the laity, and they are letting us know that our voices will be heard.”

Adapted from www.FaithfulUMC.com.

Excerpt from the Council of Bishops response:

“One of the deep disagreements and divisions within the church is over the practice of homosexuality, recently heightened by a group of clergy who have declared that they will perform holy unions in opposition to the Book of Discipline. This has caused different experiences of deep pain throughout the church. As the bishops of the church, we commit ourselves to be in prayer for the whole church and for the brokenness our communities experience. Furthermore, we ‘implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons’ (par. 161F). We will continue to offer grace upon grace to all in the name of Christ.

“At times like these we call upon each other to remember and renew our covenant with God and with one another as United Methodist Christians. As bishops chosen, consecrated and assigned by the Church, we declare once again our commitment to be faithful to this covenant we have made. As the Council of Bishops we will uphold the Book of Discipline as established by General Conference.”