I’m disappointed in the way Good News defines – and then forgets – the concept of “open” in the March/April issue. Rob Renfroe opens the issue with the definition, “Being open is the virtue of admitting that no matter how much we may know, we still have much to learn.” Alas, that definition is ignored later when it condemns Bishop Sally Dyck for inviting our Church to rethink its position on gay marriage.
That some, including Good News, believe the issue is settled does not make it so. Bishop Dyck simply invites Christ’s open-minded followers to live out the reality “that no matter how much we may know, we still have much to learn.” Members of God’s vital Church, using our Living Bible, must never be afraid to challenge ideas created by the human mind.
William A. McCartney
Delaware, Ohio
I wanted to write and say how much I appreciated the letter from Byron Fitch published in the March/April 2013 Good News. It is such a blessing to see someone stand up for what God’s creation and the Bible says about homosexual activity. I have been on the verge of leaving The United Methodist Church because of their on-the-fence stance on same-sex activity. Under no imagination would God consider that a marriage. If the church is lukewarm, God will spew us out.
Carolyn Holmquist
via email
You are the hope of The United Methodist Church.
Louise Spann
Irving, Texas
God bless your very important work! Stay strong in these troubled times.
Margaret Moore (Retired UM missionary to Korea)
Wilmore, Kentucky
Both benefit
Regarding “Welcoming the Foreigner” from Jim Ramsay in the March/April issue, if Christians befriend Muslims in our local community, we will try to convert them to Jesus because most Christians believe that non Christians go to hell. The Muslims will try to convert Christians to Islam because they believe non Muslims go to hell. Unfortunately, both are wrong. If we show them the virtues of Christianity and they admire and respect our values, and we see the virtues and goodnews in their godly lifestyles, we can both benefit, because Jesus has historically made and is making and will continue to make intercession for whoever he wills.
Robert G. Varkonyi
Orlando, Florida
Back bone
We want you to know how much we appreciate Rob Renfroe’s editorial in the March/April issue. Also, the article on the Apostle’s Creed by Jessica LaGrone. It as always bothered us that we no longer say the Creed in our church. It is the backbone of my Christian faith. Keep up the great work.
William and Phyllis Bidlack
Oakwood, Ohio