Archive: Reading About World Hunger

By Patricia H. Sprinkle  

Jesus said, “… know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:31) That certainly applies to hunger. When we first look at the enormity of the world hunger problem, having only a few scattered facts, we may be overwhelmed and oppressed by a conviction that nothing can be done. We only begin to see what can be done as we bite off one piece of the problem at a time, believing God gives no challenge to any generation that cannot meet with God’s guidance.

A good place to begin is by reading about hunger, digesting our information prayerfully, and discussing it with others. Listed below are some books, magazines, and newsletters you may want to investigate. This list is not exhaustive, and readers are invited to submit additional suggestions to Good News.

One suggestion: when you’ve finished with a book or magazine, pass it on. You might begin a Hunger Shelf in your church library.

What Do You Say to a Hungry World? by Stanley Mooneyham, World Vision (Word Books, $6.95 hardcover). One of the best basic looks at the overall problem, incorporating both statistics and human stories told with Christian compassion.

New Hope for the Hungry? by Larry Minear, Church World Service (Friendship Press, $1.95 paperback). Basic facts about world hunger plus steps being taken by church and government to combat it. Brief and easy to read.

Bread for the World by Arthur Simon (Eerdmans, $1.50 paperback). A more comprehensive and complex look at the hunger picture written by one engaged in urging Christian citizen action.

Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by E. F. Schumacher, economist (Harper & Row, $2.75 paperback). The first bestselling book on economics in years! Well written, it takes a hard look at systems that surround us and asks basic theological questions about them.

How to Live Better On Less: A Guide for Waste Watchers by Barbara Jurgensen (Augsburg $3.95 paperback). A delightful compilation of practical tips for moving from the consumptive to the abundant life. Easy to read, easier to follow.

MoreWithLess Cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre (Herald Press, $4.95 paperback). Spiralbound cookbook put out by Mennonite Central Committee to give tasty, economical, less-consumptive recipes in all categories. Also contains introductory sections giving hunger facts, information on nutrition, and theological reasons for cutting back on what we eat.


War on Hunger: A Report from the Agency for International Development. Tells what our government is doing about hunger abroad.

Bread for the World, newsletter. Issued monthly as part of a membership package for organization with the same name. It is a “Christian Citizens Coalition” to fight hunger. Its newsletter keeps members up to date on pending legislation and related issues.


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