More than tumbleweeds and cactus thrive in the Texas panhandle. Each summer several hundred youth invade the “One Way” Camp
Archive: “One Way” Camp
By Diane Knippers
Can you imagine teenagers spending six hours a day in Bible study, seminars, and worship? That’s what happens for five days each summer as UM youth explore the Biblical basis for Christian living.
Evangelical pastors, including supporters of Good News, started “One Way” Camp in 1970 to meet the spiritual needs of teenagers being reached for Christ through Lay Witness Missions. By its second year it was the largest youth camp sponsored by the Northwest Texas Conf.
Over the years the purpose of the camp hasn’t changed according to Rev. Jim Smith, camp director. Last summer over 30 of the 280 campers made commitments to full-time Christian service.
After camp a youth committee representing each district is elected to plan retreats during the year. They publish a four-page paper, “One Way Path,” with news of youth events and articles of interest to teens.
Camp “graduates” are eager to serve as camp counselors. One former camper said, “God is a living reality in my life through One Way Camp experiences …. “