Hosted by the Rev. Rob Renfroe
- The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing – the theological and spiritual issues surrounding the division within the denomination.
- Our Differences Regarding the Bible – how divergent views about the Bible creates division within The United Methodist Church.
- Our Differences Regarding Jesus – how differing views about Jesus creates division within the United Methodist Church.
- Our Differences Regarding Sexuality – how United Methodism’s departure from traditional views on marriage and sexuality has created division within The United Methodist Church.
- Why It’s Time for Traditionalists to Leave The United Methodist Church.
- Where Should we Go? The Rev. Rob Renfroe makes the case for moving from the United Methodist Church to the Global Methodist Church.
Can these 6 videos be down-loaded or viewed from a site that is ad free? I would like to record and watch them without the ads that youtube inserts?
I am wondering about the Global label. Often times I have explained the Apostles Creed reference to the Holy Catholic Church to a new Christian; i.e. that it is not Roman Catholic but the Universal Christian Church resulting from Jesus’ commission to witness to the world. Should I worry that the Global label may be understood as a movement to do away with nation states as the “Globalists” propose. They want one world order (which may be the way we end up according to Revelation and under the anti-Christ. I would like to see a truly universal church following Jesus and being obedient to the new covenant. But is that the Global Methodist Church?
When You say the word Gospel, what do you mean. There are 2 Gospels mentioned in our Bibles and they use the word gospel before they say what it is. 1) is the Gospel of the Kingdom,was preached by Jesus and the 12. 2) is the Gospel of Grace by Paul. Which one is the GMC going to use. In your Speech, you use Romans 1: 16, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone that Believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. The Gospel that Paul is not ashamed to of is 1 Corinthians 15: 1 – 4. Paul issues a warning about this Gospel. Galatians 1: 8 – 9; in that if you preach another Gospel; you are accursed. It is repeated for emphasis of its importance. Will the GMC be preaching this Gospel of Grace OR will it be ashamed of not preaching this Gospel?
Thanks for this candid and informative word.
Effort on either side to transform the standard/historical beliefs of the bible are the beginning of making the bible a worthless piece of paper. Any liberal efforts in any direction will, as alway, totally change the subject matter in time.
This 6 part dialogue provides great insight into the struggle and the pathways of division within the UMC. The universally-held belief that the Bible is a cornerstone and not a weather vane should not be controversial or the cause for division, yet it is. One does not have to believe that every word of the Old Testament is the word of God to believe Jesus who was who he said he was and that he brought a pathway for Grace and redemption in a way that a weather vane culture cannot. Rob’s message is strong and direct……and that may make some uncomfortable. Good. I’m sure the money changers in the Temple weren’t too thrilled with Jesus either.
The split is here……please choose the path that works for you and your community. And consider Rob’s words as you consider your vote in August. Thank you.
Is it possible to get a transcript of these 6 videos? There are still some folks out there with no internet connection and no way to watch these videos. Thanks.
Hello. Yes, transcripts are available. Please email me at
Tom Lambrecht
It’s long past time for the Authority-of-the-Bible believing and Lordship-of-Jesus declaring Christians to come out and be separate from the pagan, worldly forces within the UMC. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
I’ve been able to share these videos with the support of our Church Council’s. It has been an important part in understanding the deep and dividing differences within the UM Church. I also appreciate the upward swing and call of God of what is to be in the Global Methodist Church.
When shown in the sanctuary setting the audio quality is limited. There seems to be an echoing effect. Nevertheless, it has been very informative and well received by the church.
Rob – Thank you for creating these videos. They are put together very well and offer great insight into our current situation.
I do not go to my Methodist Church to worship John Wesley or any bishop, conference, or other man or entity. As long as my preacher’s sermons are focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ, I’m good. I don’t pick my friends or church family members on the basis of their sexual preferences or other social biases either. If my church “leans” in a direction I am uncomfortable with, I’ll go somewhere else. I don’t need professors “global” or “United” theologians telling me how to think or behave.
I am so so grateful someone is taking such a stance for the truths in the living Word, the Bible. The Bible warns of these things that are dividing and we must not be shocked nor alarmed. Thank you Rob!
After your church organization has made a decision, kindly post that information on This website is a resource for people who identify as LGBTQ (and their families/support system) so they can find information regarding the policies and procedure in churches where they live. When churches state, “All are welcome here” and then also state they will not marry someone who identifies as LGBTQ or nurture them toward a position of leadership, those who identify as such truly do not feel welcome. It is only loving and respectful to inform people as to your church’s beliefs and policies.
Is it possible to get these videos on DVD or be able to download them? We have many church members who cannot do internet.
Help me stay informed.
Keep me informed
Our members have got to be educated. Rob has done that in these six videos. I strongly suggest that you watch these. It is on a level that I believe all can understand. There are many in the church that do not have a clue what’s going on. Thanks to Good News for keeping us informed and taking the time to explain exactly what’s happening within the United Methodist Church. Knowledge is power and we have got to be educated on what is happening within the greater United Methodist Church. Many say they don’t have time to read or watch these articles or videos… you can’t afford NOT to watch them. When it comes time to separate the sheep from the goats, I want to make sure I’m with the Sheep.
Hello, Peggy.
Yes, you can get a DVD with all six videos for $10. Please call our office to order. 832-813-8327
In Christ,
Tom Lambrecht
It is unfortunate that a group must break the 9th Commandment in order to convince people to join a denomination.
The UMC believes in the words of the Apostles Creed.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Nothing can or will ever change that.
The issue that is causing the split is that some folks do not believe that LGBTQ persons deserve the same rights as any other persons – to marry who they choose or to serve God as God calls them.
By publishing misinformation, you are helping build a grand house – on a foundation of sand.
I am sure you will delete this post, but the truth should be told.
Please keep informed
I noticed one comment on this site that requested a process to download these videos, but didn’t see any response on how to do that. Is it a possible option? If so, how can I do that so I can play them at both of my churches?
Thank you.
The split has nothing to do with LGBTQ rights! its all about scripture, seems many people want to change the Bible to justify their life style. The word of God is the same now as it was 2000 or 5000 years ago. The LGBTQ community have always been welcome in the church, as it is a place for sinners, as a hospital is a place for sick people. The problem is that particular element of society wants to make sure we all accept their life style and they are looking for justification! There is no such thing as gay pride! there is nothing prideful about being a homosexual! The church is in the business of bringing sinners to God so they may find forgiveness, and reconciliation. Lets make this easy to understand if its not in the Bible the church should not preach it, teach it, or live it!
Someone asked for a transcript. The link did not work. I think it may be the period at the end of your email address. See if that fixes things.
I can’t believe this happening and we should leave. This is truly Satan’s territory. We should all leave the United Methodist church.
Thanksgiving for the due diligence, done by Rob, Thomas, and their dedicated staff. It is too easy to say you will just stay where you are, then leave if you don’t like the direction later on! How is that creating disciples for Jesus Christ? If you think this research shown on the videos is false, then do your own research & be shocked! This is about the future of the church of Jesus Christ!
We are planning on sharing your videos with our congregation following each serviced for the next 5 weeks. I would be much simpler to be able to download these to connect to our video system in the sanctuary. Is there a link for download available?
Thank you
I am against any limitations to visiting my church. I don’t agree that our Lord limits participation – ever. We need to have doors wide open for everyone at all times. Prior to accepting God as your savior, our thinking is different. By embracing limitations of Welcome, I believe we discourage participation by everyone. That’s dangerous and probably discourages growth.
I actually have several questions.
Where in the Discipline is the process of disaffiliation outlined, along with the financial consequences?
Why are the financial consequences so dire since we are brothers and sisters in Christ?
Why are the traditionalists having to suffer this penalty since we haven’t broken faith?
Are there any anomalies in language or due process in the instrument that can be used as a means of challenge legally? I would much rather pay a Bible believing, Jesus loving attorney to launch a class action suit than I would want to continue to tithe to help my Body of Christ pay liars and thieves. Thank you for taking time to answer my questions.
To be fair everyone should also watch Adam Hamilton’s 6 video response to Mr. Renfroe’s videos.Both sets of videos are well done, respectful and thought provoking.
When the GMC moves beyond attacking and poaching the UMC and truly does focus on “making disciples”, I will pray that they might be able to reach persons the UMC has not.
I am just a layperson who has not read ALL of the Book of Discipline but I am surprised to not see answers to everyone’s questions here and I want to make a couple comments. I do not care for the name GLOBAL and when I mentioned that to one pastor, he said that hadn’t been decided on for sure at the time and another pastor said the she had the same concerns I had and the same as one of your commenters: Global sounds like one-world-government nonsense which makes it sound like part of the liberal agenda. As far as discrimination against LGBTQ and whatever else community, my understanding is that any sinful lifestyle as described in the Bible or inferred is not acceptable for leadership in the church (UMC). All people are welcome to attend and participate in church but the leadership should not be involved in and living a lifestyle of adultery, alcoholism, drug abuse, homosexuality, kleptomania, beastiality, gambling addiction, vulgar language, etc. Just because the gay lifestyle topic has come up often doesn’t mean that they are being discriminated against and anything else goes, that every other sin is acceptable. (please correct me if I am wrong about the UMC doctrine.) We are all acceptable to God and we are all supposed to repent of our sin and turn from it. People who identify as leaning to homosexual preference rather than heterosexual WHO DO NOT PRACTICE the sinful lifestyle may indeed become church leaders. Jesus is Lord of all. Praying somehow we will all come out of this mess as better, more Christ-centered people and quit fighting amongst ourselves.
I entirely agree with the following previous post here:
Edward on August 31, 2022 at 8:53 am
The split has nothing to do with LGBTQ rights! its all about scripture, seems many people want to change the Bible to justify their life style. The word of God is the same now as it was 2000 or 5000 years ago. The LGBTQ community have always been welcome in the church, as it is a place for sinners, as a hospital is a place for sick people.
The problem is that particular element of society wants to make sure we all accept their life style and they are looking for justification! There is no such thing as gay pride! there is nothing prideful about being a homosexual!
The church is in the business of bringing sinners to God so they may find forgiveness, and reconciliation. Lets make this easy to understand if its not in the Bible the church should not preach it, teach it, or live it!
The issue dividing the UMC is NOT LGBTQ. That is the cherry on the sundae. It is what they have put in the press spotlight, so the will receive praise for their actions, not criticism.
Clergy do not uphold their ordination vows, with no discipline. There is no longer uniformity, respected rules, or common beliefs among leadership. The church doesn’t agrees on the value of the Bible and God’s Word. Florida’s bishop stated “I do not turn to the Bible for the last word on Anything”. Yes, there are Christians who will be driven away with values like this. They are not the current values in the UMC Doctrine or Discipline. The global vote at GC was to Remain Traditional. That vote has not been respected either. Countries that are blind to the USA disrespectful behaviors, now want out. Africa and the Philippines are among the biggest who will not tolerate these changes. They are 30% of the church congregation. Only the USA has held disaffiliation so far, and 25% of its churches have exited.